Auto dealers across Canada love using Accu-Trade to drive more leads to their dealership.
With Accu-Trade’s Instant Offer tool, visitors to a dealer site can answer a few simple questions to get a solid price range for their trade-in. That leads directly to more sales.
Last week, we introduced a “Common Problems Data” feature that gives dealers a heads up on common problems with a particular car or truck model so they don’t get squeezed by a lemon. It also means they have the data needed to maximize their trades.
Now we are introducing several new features to make Accu-Trade even better.
Based on the feedback and needs of the dealers using Accu-Trade today, we’re introducing several new features that will make Accu-Trade an essential part of a their sales efforts.
So now you will find new features like regional specific pricing, significantly expanded VIN decoding and VHR claim deduction.
The VHR (Vehicle History Report) Claim deduction now displays fully in the condition report. The more you know about a vehicle, the better it is for your dealership and your customer.
With expanded VIN decoding, you can capture a wider variety of vehicles including exotics, thinly traded vehicles and older vehicles.
Plus we have updated the user interface (UI) with quicker access to the reports and data you need to close deals.
These are all dealer-requested and dealer-tested features.
And all the leads coming through Accu-Trade’s Instant Offer tool are
EXCLUSIVE to the dealer.
Want to learn more about these new features can help your dealership sell more? Our team is ready for your call.
If your dealership isn’t using Accu-Trade yet, reach out to me anytime to set up a demo or a 30-day free trial. Sean Liptay Bus. 506.859.6190, ext. 200 Cell. 506.227.486
Email Logan at or 506-859-6190.